Monday, June 28, 2004

Prostitutes at Wal Mart

If you look at Wal Mart's business model, they excel at entering into commodity markets and driving out the competition. Visit any small town where Wal Mart has opened, and you'll see the skeletons of small businesses - pharmacies, clothing stores, even grocery stores. I don't condemn Wal Mart, but I've seen the effect in my home town.

So, if Wal Mart got into the prostitution business, we could expect the local hooker franchise to dry up. This effect would be good for the town. Crime would drop - less pimp-on-hoe violence, no 'John' rolling, etc. It would be unlikely that Wal Mart would use drugs as a form of payment, removing another large base of crime. Wal Mart would drive out the independents - cleaning up the streets, if you will.

Quality control would improve, given Wal Mart's history with other suppliers. Prostitute-initiated STDs would likely become non-existent, as Wal Mart would consolidate its supply to quality stock. Wal Mart hookers would not be allowed to unionize, they would lack benefits, and pay would be driven to an efficient level. However, given Wal Mart's aversion to full-time employment, the prostitutes would have time to pursue other activities.

Product placement would likely be an aisle display, not too far from the health and beauty aid section.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

thanks for walmart they came in our area and a lot of companys followed them.Your all a bunch of cry babbies and dont have the brains to research walmart yourself if you did youd know the truth shame shame loosers

3:47 PM  
Blogger Dirksly said...

You've obviously misunderstood. I'm all for Wal Mart - they came into my town of 5,000 and imparted a 10 year plan to make changes. Both the drugstores are gone, we're down to 1 grocer (from 4), and none of the 5 downtown clothing stores exist any longer. It's ok - all of the small business owners have part time jobs stocking shelves at the new Super Wal Mart.

7:47 PM  

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